
收藏本版 (42)

高清电影 今日: 0|主题: 982|排名: 2 

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[动作] 边境杀手2:边境战士.Sicario: Day of the Soldado.2018@WEBDL版本 BluRay-Boy 2018-9-12 12958 hhswuh 2018-9-22 16:56
[爱情] [蓝莓之夜].2007.JPN.BluRay.1080p.x264.DTS.2Audios-CMCT[国英双语中字/10G] attachment toto 2018-9-21 23295 superken1839 2018-9-21 15:15
[惊悚] 情妇猎人.Mistress.Hunter.2018@WEBRip lili521 2018-9-21 04218 lili521 2018-9-21 11:53
[科幻] 科洛弗悖论.The Cloverfield Paradox.2018@WEBDL版本 BluRay-Boy 2018-7-23 53562 竹林听雪2018 2018-9-20 16:17
[奇幻] 怪物召唤.A Monster Calls.2016@1080P蓝光,720P蓝光,蓝光原盘 BluRay-Boy 2018-8-10 15683 步惊云 2018-9-19 23:26
[爱情] 我的戈弗雷.My.Man.Godfrey.1936@1080P,720P toto 2018-9-19 03839 toto 2018-9-19 12:44
[恐怖] 惨死.Still.2010@WEBRip lili521 2018-9-19 03480 lili521 2018-9-19 12:34
[喜剧] 课堂排名.Class.Rank.2017@WEBRip lili521 2018-9-19 03609 lili521 2018-9-19 11:49
[爱情] 甜蜜蜜.Comrades.Almost.a.Love.Story.1996@1080P蓝光,720P蓝光 toto 2018-8-19 33352 步惊云 2018-9-18 23:24
[悬疑] 救命解药 A.Cure.for.Wellness.2016@1080P蓝光,720P蓝光,蓝光原盘 toto 2018-9-6 24016 步惊云 2018-9-18 23:21
[惊悚] 军火厂.Arsenal.2017@1080P蓝光,720P蓝光,蓝光原盘 toto 2018-8-31 12936 步惊云 2018-9-18 23:20
[动作] 99号牢房内的博弈.Brawl in Cell Block 99.2017@1080P蓝光,4K,蓝光原盘 BluRay-Boy 2018-8-7 13005 步惊云 2018-9-18 23:19
[喜剧] 瞒天过海:美人计.Oceans.8.2018@WEBDL版本 toto 2018-8-24 33799 wanshihappy 2018-9-18 17:34
[喜剧] 新乌龙院之笑闹江湖.Oolong Courtyard.2018@1080P,4K agree toto 2018-9-10 13510 步惊云 2018-9-17 22:55
[悬疑] 红雀.Red Sparrow.2018@1080P高清,4K,720P高清,蓝光原盘 BluRay-Boy 2018-5-15 27011 步惊云 2018-9-17 22:53
[记录] 奥斯陆日记.The.Oslo.Diaries.2018@WEBRip lili521 2018-9-17 13592 步惊云 2018-9-17 22:44
[恐怖] 泳队惊魂[中字]The.Swimmers.2014@1080P,720P lili521 2018-9-17 04006 lili521 2018-9-17 17:19
[喜剧] 成长难题.Growing.Up.2018@1080P,720P lili521 2018-9-17 03939 lili521 2018-9-17 17:08
[冒险] 雷德白.Redbad.2018@WEB-DL lili521 2018-9-15 14281 libai01 2018-9-17 01:55
[喜剧] 雪耻女孩[内封中字]Revenge.Girl.2017@1080P,720P toto 2018-9-15 04192 toto 2018-9-15 11:27
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